In the Heart of Resilience: A Journey Through the Poetic Soul of Marta González

Published on 21 July 2024 at 23:40

 By. Osiris Valdés López

 Marta González is a writer whose pen and heart shine with their own light in the literary firmament. Our souls met in the universe of poetry, an art that, like a river of words, unites our voices in a song of beauty and sensitivity. As Gabriel García Márquez wisely said, "The writer writes his book to explain to himself what cannot be explained."


 Marta is the talented author of the novel "The Life of a Humble Provincial," a work that tells the story of a woman whose destiny intertwines with love and adversity. Upon meeting and marrying the man she loves, as humble as she is, they embark on a long-awaited honeymoon on a rural estate, only to face unexpected challenges. The novel is an intimate journey exploring how the protagonist faces loss and grief, conveying a profound and hopeful message: "Life is an indecipherable enigma from which we can only learn to believe in ourselves, to love fully, and to embrace our capacity for resilience and survival in the face of adversity."




 Osiris Valdés López: Marta, "The Life of a Humble Provincial" is a novel dedicated to all the women who have built our history in silence. Did you plan the work in detail or let it emerge as you went along?


 Marta González: "The Life of a Humble Provincial" is a novel based on real events, a narrative that was already written in the fabric of life before I penned the first sentence. The story emerged organically, each word an echo of the emotions I felt, recounting the life of a woman who navigated the tumultuous waters of hardship and fear. My role was to breathe life into her journey, to capture her essence in words, and to honor the silent strength of all women who, often unseen, shape the world with their resilience and unconditional love. The process was like standing at the edge of a river, allowing the current of inspiration to guide me, the words flowing with the freshness of spring. I found myself immersed in an ocean of memories and emotions, shaping the narrative into an ode to perseverance and hope.


 Osiris Valdés López: Your ability to tap into these emotions is remarkable. In what other projects have you collaborated? Have you participated in literary contests, received awards, or engaged in radio programs or event organizations?


 Marta González: My journey has been rich and diverse, much like the tapestry of poetry itself. I am honored to be part of the poetic circle of Boulogne Sur Mer in Buenos Aires, where I have published poems in “Ronda Infantil” and "Poemas: 25 años del libro de Boulogne." My participation extends beyond publications; I have been actively involved in various book fairs across Buenos Aires, literary cafés, and even in reading poems to children in primary schools and kindergartens. Presenting my books at the Casa de la Cultura in Villa Adelina remains a cherished memory.


 I also had the privilege of participating in the 1st Virtual World Book Fair and the poetic marathon "Peet Me Not Leave," where my poems were translated into Russian for a special calendar. Recognition has followed my work, with awards such as the "Cóndor Mendocino" in San Rafael, Mendoza, and the writer of the year 2019 by "Docta Córdoba," a recognition given by the esteemed Guadalupe Dances. I'm deeply honored to have been invited to Paraná, Entre Ríos, in March 2021 to receive the "Cristo Pescador" award, among others, and to have my work acknowledged on Radio Arcoíris FM in Spain. Each of these moments has been a step in a journey that continues to inspire and fulfill me.


 Osiris Valdés López: Your accomplishments are truly inspiring. When did you first discover your passion for writing and decide to share it with the world?


 Marta González: Writing has been a sanctuary for me since I was very young, a place where dreams and reality dance together in a delicate, intricate ballet. It was not until 2017 that I felt compelled to share this sanctuary with others. It was a moment of vulnerability, but also of liberation, as I opened the doors to my soul and allowed my words to resonate in the hearts of others. This decision to publish was like opening a window to my innermost thoughts and feelings, inviting readers to experience the world as I see it, through the lens of poetry and narrative.


 Osiris Valdés López: How do you navigate the different genres you write in? Is there one where you feel particularly at home?


 Marta González: Writing across genres feels like traveling through different landscapes, each with its own unique beauty and challenges. I find comfort and joy in narrative, dramatic, and lyrical forms alike. Each genre offers a different canvas, a new way to explore the depths of the human soul. The narrative allows me to weave intricate stories, drama gives me the space to explore conflict and emotion in a raw, direct manner, while lyricism lets me dance with language, crafting images that linger in the mind long after the words are read. This variety is essential to me, as it keeps my creative spirit vibrant and engaged.


 Osiris Valdés López: The richness in your thematic choices is evident in your work. What themes do you find yourself returning to again and again?


 Marta González: Love, nature, and mythology are the pillars of my writing, eternal themes that never cease to inspire. Love, in all its forms—romantic, familial, selfless—provides an endless source of stories and reflections. Nature, with its cycles of life and death, mirrors our own human experiences and offers a profound connection to the world around us. Mythology, on the other hand, is a bridge between the past and the present, a way to explore timeless truths through the lens of ancient stories. These themes are woven into the fabric of my work, reflecting the universal human experience and our shared search for meaning.


 Osiris Valdés López: It’s clear that your work is deeply personal and reflective. Are you currently working on any new literary projects that you can share with us?


 Marta González: Yes, I am currently immersed in a project titled "Forgotten Elders." It is a deeply personal work, a tribute to those who, with their wisdom and life experiences, have quietly built the foundations of our society. This project seeks to honor their contributions, to give voice to those who are often overlooked, and to remind us of the value of their stories. Alongside this, I continue to write poetry daily; it’s as necessary to me as breathing. Art and my family are the twin pillars of my life, and this new project reflects my deep respect for the elders who have shaped our world.


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Marta Gonzalez
a month ago

Osiris Valdés López is not only an exceptional interviewer but also a woman whose sensitivity and understanding of human emotions transcend mere conversation. Her ability to explore the nuances of my work and transform our words into a poetic canvas left me deeply moved. Through her vision, Fashionista Edition has become a beacon of inspiration for those of us who love literature, fashion, and art. And her app, Osy, perfectly reflects her innovative spirit, bringing her exquisite content to every corner of the world. I greatly admire her talent, her ability to create and share beauty, and her commitment to quality. Thank you, Osiris, for providing us with a space where our voices can flourish with all their authenticity and power.

Osiris Valdés López
a month ago

Dear Marta,

Your kind words have touched me deeply, and I am truly humbled by your appreciation. It is a privilege to engage with someone of your talent, whose work resonates so profoundly with the essence of human experience. My goal has always been to create a platform that not only highlights creativity but also celebrates the beauty and depth of the human spirit. Knowing that Fashionista Edition and the Osy App have become meaningful spaces for you fills me with immense joy and purpose. Your art and voice are treasures that deserve to be shared with the world, and I am honored to have played a part in bringing them to a broader audience. Thank you for your trust and for continuing to inspire through your work.

Anneliese Müller
a month ago

What an inspiring interview. Marta González shows that poetry is not only in words but also in a life lived with humility and resilience. Her novel, 'The Life of a Humble Provincial,' is a true tribute to the women who quietly build the world. Thank you for sharing her story!

Friedrich Wagner
a month ago

The way Marta describes life in her work is simply moving. I love how she tackles deep themes like love, loss, and hope with such sensitivity. This interview has made me really want to read her novel. Great job, Osiris!

Katrin Schmidt
a month ago

Marta González's words touch the soul. Her dedication to writing and her commitment to the stories of strong and brave women are truly inspiring. This article has left me reflecting on the power of literature to heal and teach.

Lukas Fischer
a month ago

An interview that captures the essence of a writer whose voice deserves to be heard. Marta González reminds us that, even in the darkest moments, poetry and literature can be a guiding light. I loved learning more about her journey and future projects.

Greta Hoffmann
a month ago

Reading about Marta's passion for poetry and narrative has deeply moved me. 'The Life of a Humble Provincial' sounds like a must-read for those of us who value life stories told with authenticity and care. Thank you for this beautiful interview, Osiris.